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Final Notes on The Body Shop

Hey, folks! The final chapter and epilogue were posted earlier this week. Thanks for everyone who checked it out. If you haven’t, it will be on this site from here on out.

I’m glad I tried the serial novel approach but it took a lot of work and I probably wouldn’t do it again (unless I got paid lots of money). The story itself didn’t turn out as good as I imagined (do they ever?) and I’m considering yet another revision before I publish on Amazon. This would create a “web version” and a “print version.” But I need to put it all away for now and work on some new ideas.

It was definitely a learning experience. Out of the 50,000 who saw the advertising over four months, about 1,000 went to the site and there’s a small number of regular visits every other day or so. Considering that the story is definitely not for everyone, that ratio seems pretty accurate. And now that it’s out there, I’m ready to let it go for a while. Thanks, everyone!

Published inUpdate, GeneralWriting