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Chapter 6 of The Body Shop is Online!

Has it been six weeks already? This has been pretty fun for me and I haven’t had any problems with the site or the “program” at all. Publishing a chapter is just something I do on Tuesday nights. I check the analytics and site performance, conduct a final quality check with the text, make sure all the links point to where they’re supposed to go, publish the page, and then update the marketing. It takes a couple of hours but I move at a leisurely pace because it’s also fun (as I stated above).

I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. I can only gauge interest from the page visits and there seems to be a small base of awesome folks who keep coming back. That can’t be a bad sign, unless they keep returning with the hope that things will improve. If that’s the case, I have some bad news for them.

So we’re about a quarter of the way through the story so far and these chapters should wind through the weeks up to Memorial Day, or a week or two in either direction. This is all dependent on how long the closing scenes are going to be. I want to get the rest of the book the best I can get it before I tackle the final act, which is going to be expanded from previous drafts.

Anyway, that’s about where my thoughts are this week. I hope everyone is doing ok. Be sure to smile at Life like you’re Billy Zoom.

Published inUpdate, GeneralWriting